Todaywe are finally doing my treatment for my hair.It's stilllikehay.So first off I am going to shampoo my hair because
you are supposed to put treatments on wet hair so that
the hair can absorb it.
I'm applying step 3 Olaplex onto this front right section of my hair
and my mother is applyingHarayuki salongradehair treatmentand it'sextremelycomplicated.But Olaplex they use in salons as well, sowe'll see which oneresults how.
We're putting coconut oil into one of the sections in the back to compare as well because
coconut oil was highly recommended as well.
This one is organic.
11:30We've gotHarayuki,Olaplexand coconut oil.
We are going to rinse the Harayuki because it's been like five minutes.
It already feels pretty softand a lot thicker than I did before.step two
She's got these syringes, which each step in them
to apply them easily, more easily.I put too much purple shampoo on.Always putting too muchpurpleshampoo.Oh my gosh my foundation is like literallybreaking down.Ten minutes of step two.
This is a hot towel.Going to go rinse.AgainThe third one is now in.I look like I have space buns.Purple space buns.I gotta go shampoo this part outand this part out and then I'm gonnarinsethisafterbutMy--SorryAll rinsed out, we will wait for tomorrowto see how the hair looks dryand how it feels.This is the section that I did no treatment on.Gonna compare it to the rest of the hair.Harayuki,Olaplexand coconut oil.It's time for results first of all
excuse if you see any like bitchiness or craziness in my foundation.
Because I've been wearing this makeup for15 hours now andI would really like take it off.It's been a long day. But I've come in this really bad lightingso that you- we can see the texture of my hair.
You know if I were to film like this. We wouldn't really be able to see it.
It'd look really smooth and nice.But because we have somegorgeousoverhead lighting here,we can seehow the treatments have fared.
This section right here is the section that I didn't use any..
My gosh, Michael do we have some sort of black thing?
Well, thank you for the water my voice is dying from all the yelling this week.
I put up garbage bag.We can see that it isquitecrispy,stiff.It honestly feels so tangled up.Really brittle.Just lots of nastiness.Even if we look up close,it's likeprettycrazy.This backside hereI have put somecoconut oil. It's still pretty tangled and dryespecially where I've slept on it.It feels aboutDude this looks crazy.
Did I walk around like this all day with my hair like this?
My hair looks ridiculous from the back!But I do feel like the coconut oil..It feels about20%more hydrated,less tangled.So I give it aboutmaybe 3 out of 5.Then we have the front two sections here.They lookquite a lot betterthanthe back.But right offI feel that it is smoother.It does look shinierbutthe endsare still very dry.Right abouthereis where I start to feel a lot of the drynessand a lot ofthebrutal crispy feeling. I would say the side that we did the Harayukiprofessional treatmentwith the multiple stepsdoes feel about40% betterthanthethe non-treatedsection.It is a very good treatment, especially if
your hair is already healthy and not completely dead,
like mine.But it definitelydoes tangle a bit at the bottom there.Overall I think I'd rate it like 3.5to 4 out of 5.Just becausemy hair isa very extreme caseand I do see a difference.Stuff is like$100 per treatment if you get it doneat a salon.And also depends on how long your hair isbut
it's like two three hundred dollars for the whole
salon kit. That comes in like huge bottles.Olaplex is about the same rateforthe same amount of product, it's $200 forlike a big kit for the salonbut I used a at homelittleconsumer productthat was $30 for 100 milliliters.That's about 30 cents per milliliterand if you do the math that's actuallyveryexpensive because you're spending $1for about this much of product.
But I would say that the Olaplex does feel the best out of the three.
It still tangles a bitbut it does feel a lot softer.I would saylike 20% softer than the Harayuki,about 40% softer than deadstillthe coconut oil.And 60% softer thanthe originaldamaged hair. The ends don't feelthatsplayed out.They don't feelas tangled.I can run my fingers throughwithout, you know,getting caught, right hereor for exampleRun my fingers through, getting caught right here
and running my fingers through, getting caught right here.
So you can see the amount of damage.originalIt's like about60% through I can't comb through.The coconut oil is about halfway.Harayuki is about20%.Olaplex,I can brush throughall the way down.
And I've left all the treatments on for only 30 minutes
of course if you leave the treatments on for longer like an hour or overnight,
it would obviously be better for your hair.
I am makeup artist and hair isn't my specialty but
I have been learning a lot through this processthatI would have rather not have been going throughbutyou knowYou gotta do what you gotta do.For sure hands down the Olaplex does win,
my mother, she also said "Oh, that side looks a lot shinier, that side looks a lot better.
Just do the Olaplex over and over."So you can see here that the Harayukidid a really good jobrefining the hair shaft.And so did the Ora-Olaplexbutthe ends.Olaplex definitely wins.
The Harayuki looks still quite damaged along the ends
but theOlaplex looks nice andfresh.Still shiny even on the endsand of course when I brush throughI'll stop right here with the Harayuki.With the Olaplex,goes all the way down.My hair looks crazyI look like Albert Einstein!So that wasmy hair treatment experimentwith two professional-grade expe-really expensiveproducts anda DIYcoconut oil. I hope that you found it helpfuloras informative as this video can be with menot really too interested orfanatic about hair.But I hope that you did enjoy it.I am going to take off my makeup.
I'm going to slather a whole bunch of Olaplex on my head.
I'm going to wrap it in saran wrap and put aplastic bag on it and put towels on my pillowsand I'm gonna go to sleep and have itsoak overnightAnd hopefully
it won't take four hours to dry in the morning because that's what happened last night.
Took like hours
which wasn't like that after the third type of bleach
but of course after the fourth type of bleach
after my hair dyes of course it has to take four five hours to dry.
Today's [...] comment is from Juyoung Park: "It'd be cool if you didn't interrupt your hubby so much when he talks,
mid-sentence interruptions aren't flattering for anyone".
Sorry, I'm mid-sentence interrupting your yawn-Wellwe We communicate a lotand we talk a lotto other peoplein person and I find that when we talk togetherabout something,We tend tobuild on each other'sthoughts.And oftentimesthey can feelor be perceived asan interruption -interrupting but -but I thinkin a sense that could also be your strengthwhere we build onand we addtolike it's kind of like a pillar of.. -layered.-Yeah -Yeah, it's a cross-hatched.-Yeah, it's cross-hatching.-Yes.Yes.
But you know every one's different, everyone perceives
the way they receive communication differently -Mm-hm -So if you feel like if it was..
It disturbed you in any way, yes.-Sorry-Weird apologize-Not really causeI like the way that we communicate.-Yes,it iskind of our style
and when we are both talking at the same time basically we both
feel like we have a lot to say-Yeah.There is a lot to sayyeah
But thank you Juyoung for taking your time to watch.
Enough to notice that.And you for your encouragementsto encourage me to becomea..What did you say?A more flattering person?
Thank you, I would love to be a more flattering person.
But thank you for watching, I hope that you did enjoy
ourwedding stories video.And alsomy hair experiment.
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That's usually the time that I take to reply to your comments.
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So I'll see you on those platformsif those are platforms that you use.That's itandI'll see younext time.Bye!
Video Please Watching
Reviewed by Unknown
December 30, 2017
Rating: 5
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