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What is healthy sexuality? An interview with Teal Swan

Sexuality yourself, would you like to touch a little bit on that before I go into the questions I have.Specific to sexuality itself, the first sexual experience that I had in childhood was when I was 6 being raped.And the guy who ended up doing that to me inducted me into this cult group and so I spent the first 13 year of my life till I was age 19 being prostituted, I was impregnated several times and the babies were intentionally aborted by the very man who basically through rape impregnated me.
healthy sexuality
healthy sexuality

So my introduction to sex was you know really terrible.But what you'll notice is that sexual trauma tends to divide women and men.But let's talk about women it's who are in the room right now.It tends to polarize women towards either being completely a-sexual want nothing to do with sexuality, they want nothing to do with their bodies at all or they are complete l yover-bisexual. And I was polarise over-sexual end. So I never went through a period of time where I was like I want nothing to do with that it more became kind of my identity.That's also unhealthy.You brought it back to, well I'm assuming now, but you brought it back to a healthy state.Well I feel we're always in the process of getting better and better.And it's gotten way healthy.I have boundaries now, it used to be the kind of thing that if if a guy would do any thing nice for me I would be like: Hey let's sleep together.What would you give people like me, which I have a feeling there are a few of them,that would like to have sexual healthy relationships and let me define a little of what I understand a healthy sexual relationship is.First of all have a good ehm relationship with my body, feeling comfortable, feeling sexy.Knowing that I can desire and that it's ok to desire sex.That it's ok to enjoy sex.Which side did you go to?I went to the other side.Ok so that's going to change the entire discourse because people who went to that side whenthey were sexually abused need an entirely different thing than the other ones.Yes.And then, in and of itself the subject I have a feeling that you can give us some information on how do you perceive healthy sexuality and what is it for you and how can we as a collective as females but also as a collective how can we create a new earth with sexuality.But those are a few questions ...Those few questions could make an entire book.Your next book?No.Maybe in the future.What is healthy sexuality for you?Well for me healthy sexuality is, it's about authenticity.It's a person's inside being aligned with their outside actions.So in fact what's ironic is that you can find somebody that sleeps with a lot of people on a surface level who might be in alignment.It's just it's provided that they're, what they're internal desire is matches the external desire. When we get in to unhealthy, it's rare I just tell you it's pretty rare but hypothetically you could be in alignment that way.When we find unhealthy sexuality is when our bodies our actions are doing something like having one night stands when the internal aspect of us is genuinely wanting connection so sex becomes manipulation our way to get things or a way to avoid things.That's unhealthy sexuality and that is the majority of sex on this planet.And that is my mission, to help to add to more health in this perspective.Than people should know what they want. Exactly. Ok .And they have to act accordingly, that's the hardest thing for women.Especially cause it's like: Ok?What are you really wanting Why do you want this kind of a relationship?For most women, sex is kind of like the candy you give a guy to stay with you.It's a transaction for most women.So we have to be honest to ourselves what do we really want to be about.If we have this negative relationship with sex why is that?Why is it just something that you don't allow for a guy?Like is there something you get out of it?Why not.The thing is it's about shame, we've gotta stop making sexuality a shame I'll tell you that. Because unless women are able to explore their own bodies and think about what they themselves want to get out of sex.There's no way in hell we're going to know what to tell a guy.Where not getting anything out of it.It's going to be like I either fake a head ache so that the guys stays with me.That's going to be our life.You talked about yesterday, I went to your workshop which was amazing, ehm and you talked about our body being an eco system.So we could literally like talk to one cell and of course parts of our bodies.Ah I'm so happy you say that.Each cell has sex . Woohoo, ok, I want to know more about that but first I have another question  .Ehm so when you look at our chakra system the root chakra and the sacral chakra I believe they're both connected to sexuality. Ehm the color, the root is red and the sacral orange are there any types of foods, plantbased foods of course that we could use to nourish those chakras with in order for ourselves maybe to even get ehm a feeling that we want to move towards healthy sexuality.Hibiscus.Yes, that's funny it showed up so many times hibiscus and I couldn't't figure out why because that's how I get messages.Well most people I think.But I'm aware of them.And I thought what does Hibiscus want with me. Ok so Hibiscus flower.Or like the drops and Any form of the hibiscus.What we're looking for when we heal is you want to get into the vibration of something.So naturally you can do that.The Hibiscus flower tend to be the very best for women to spend time around.Because if you look at the way the female body is designed the organ system that isdesigned for sex essentially serves the same function as the flower on an organism is.So spending time with the vibration of a flower or a plant is going to be the most beneficial.You can get one for your home, you can sit in front of it.You can bathe with it you can get teas from it, it doesn't matter what you choose to do.I just goosebumps thank you.For me that's always the truth.Wauw.Thanks so much.Ok.When it comes to boundaries red raspberry is very good for women and sexuality.But what I notice is that raspberry does not inspire the same kind of connection with theopposite sex as Hibiscus does.Hibiscus is very sensual of nature.But what red raspberry does is really gets you in touch with our own truth.Especially when it comes to your own womanhood.Cause there's lots of different levels of truth.But the truth about me and my own feminine woman hood boundaries what do I want for myself,that type of stuff.That is what red raspberry does.Great.Thanks so much.I think one last question before you ....Do you believe, so let me ok no, let me first tell you my believe.I have a feeling that we as women should play a leading role in helping heal the 3rd dimensionthe 4rd dimension into healthy sexuality.What is your take on that?I don't know how anybody could argue with you?I feel like I'm a bit more aggressive on them than you are it seems.But please give me your ... I think that both sexes are equally responsiblefor the healing of sexuality on this planet.And I think that part of what is going to enable women to come into our full power ismen coming into their full power.But when I say that someone that could go ew, because we associate power with: Waitmen have been empowered for thousands of years.Hell no you've never seen an empowered man.Not once.You seen what masculinity out of alignment looks like.And what third dimensional out of alignment masculinity looks like.But if you have an empowered man, all that that man does is become a scaffolding of theunfolding of the feminine.So I feel like both sexes play a absolutely intricate role into the moving into healthof both aspects of sexuality.So I'm going to require both.But ehm if you're just going to be empowering women to not have to rely on men to come intoa safe space of masculine energy in order to provide that scaffolding yeah women playa hell of a role.We always were healers, let's just be honest.I mean if you look at the way that our species has worked is the women that have been thehealers.Of course we'd be the one.We will be calling everybody in like come on it's time let's do it now.But a lot of us actually lack the bravery to do it ourselves, I have noticed.Well but we're going for it, I have a lot of trust in that.And you're completion process book, is it something we could use.Should.Absolutely.Should use!Ok, yeah.For this yes.Oh definitely I will go for it.Using the completion process is the only way that I really realised how I was using it as a transaction.How I identified with it.When I identified with it.When I even made that change to, because I was hyper sexualised so, it was not until I started using the evolution process on myself that I remembered that moment that I was like ok I see how sexuality can be a modality of control.So I mean it's ironic, look at the average guy let's just take the average man usually they go one of two ways.Either they become so weak that they can't even function or they become perpetrators themselves because they've been hurt.Females who go into perpetration tend to be the heterosexuality kind.So we get abused sexually and we go oh thats control, so we become sexually aggressive.

Or we go to the opposite extremes.So it wasn't't until that moment that I realised and I saw how sexuality is a modality of control and I decided I'm never going to have anybody have control over me again.So I became a seductress.That's what happened.And it was like oh my god that was a complete safety mechanism.It was genuinely at all.I was terrified of sex because in order to pola rise so far you have to suppress the opposite right?So that's what I'm saying is that opposite that people of your spectrum and my spectrumtend to do.Because you suppressed the seductress.The one who is sexually out there.She's coming back by the way.Good.So what's coming back for me is the aspect of me that's like no I don't want to always dress in something fancy, I'd rather wear comfortable clothes or what was suppressed in me is my fear.If you would have told me in my 17, 18 years when I was that age range that I was afraid of men I would've been like what are you talking about.I have no fear of men.Oh I had suppressed every aspect of that.So it's about re-owning that aspect that we suppressed.Thank you so much, I'm going to give the word back to Patricia.Are you fully?Well never maybe we could someday do something through Skype.Thank you so much for ....

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